Decks and Deck Management

Learn more about how to find, manage, and navigate study decks

Decks (Study Lists)

Decks are a collection of characters, words, and phrases. The decks that you are actively studying will appear on your Home screen for quick access. To view and manage all of your decks (active, reviewing from, and decks you have created) go to the My Library tab from the Decks screen. View the contents of a deck, and access the Learn and Test modes by tapping on the deck of your choice.

Once on a deck's main screen, you can see details about your progress, or go to specific sections. From the main screen you can go into a learning activity (tapping the button will take you to the next non-studied item in the deck based on overall deck progress), take a deck-level test, or go to individual sections for more focused studying and testing. 

As a note, some decks have corresponding videos inside! Look out for the video icon on any deck that contains one.

Deck Management

Access the deck management options by tapping on the vertical option button on the top-right of the screen. This will bring up an action menu for all the things you can currently change inside the mobile app. Official decks cannot be edited, but you can make a copy of the deck and make changes. Please note that any official deck art and videos will not be included with your personal copy. Bulk-adding options will be coming to future versions of the app. 

Making and Editing Custom Decks (in the app)

Language learning is a personal experience, and the mobile app allows you to create custom Decks anytime and anywhere. Find detailed instructions on how to make/edit custom decks in the app here. We also have a video about the process here

If you want to bulk-add a large collection of words to a list, we recommend using the Skritter website. Go to Creating and Managing Lists to learn how to do this on the website.

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