Creating and Managing Custom Decks

This guide will explain how to create a new list via the Skritter website.

Skritter offers hundreds of pre-made textbook lists and thousands of user-published lists -- if you would rather create your own list from scratch, this guide will show you how.

How to Create a List

1. Opening the Lists page 

Click the Lists button on the top black navigation bar.

2. Creating a New List
Click the Create new list button

3. Filling in List Details

Type the list name in the "Name" text field, and then click  Create list. You can also upload a list image or attach a Vimeo / YouTube video.

If you plan to publish the list, you may want to add a brief description in the Description text field, along with a list image. This can always be edited later.

4. List Structure Edit Mode

Click the Edit button to change the list section name, add more list sections, change the list name, change the list description, or change a linked Vimeo / YouTube video.

Each list section can support up to 200 words.

How to Add / Edit Sections

5. Adding Additional List Sections (optional)

If you are using a book that has chapters, or want more than 200 words in your list, you will want to create additional list sections.

If you're not planning on adding additional list sections, skip to Step 6.

a. Press the Add section button to add and name new list sections. 

Remember to rename your list sections while in the list Edit mode

b. Once finished adding and naming your list sections, click the Save button to confirm the changes.

How to Add Words to Sections

6. Adding Words to a List Section

a. To start adding words to a list section, click the (click to add words) link, next to the list section's name. 

b. Now you can start typing words in the text field. Once done typing a word, press enter for a new word entry. 

Some things to consider when adding words:

  • For Chinese, words should be entered in either Hanzi or Pinyin.
  • For Japanese, words should be entered as you would like to study it, in either Kana or Kanji (or a combination of both).
  • You can create new entries that don't exist on Skritter yet as well. Please refer to this guide:
  • If the search pulls up an unintended result, try pressing All Results to switch word entries.  See below:

c. Once you're finished typing the words you want to add, click the Save button.

d. Click the green link (the list's name) to add words to another list section, or to add the list to your queue.

To add words to another list section, repeat step 6. To add the list to your queue, move on to Step 7.  

How to Add Cover Art / Videos to Your List

7. Uploading Cover Art

You can add a custom cover image to your list by tapping the "Change Photo" button beneath the default list image.

The recommended size for the image is 351x512. You can easily create deck art at  

8. Adding Videos
Videos can be added to the list, or a specific list section. When in edit mode, you can paste the URL of a Vimeo or YouTube video. Be sure to copy the URL using the share links found on YouTube and Vimeo, rather than the address in the URL bar.

How to Study and Share Your List

9. Adding Your List to Study

Once you are done creating your list, click the "Add to queue" button to add the list to your studies.

 Lists are not automatically added to your studies after you create them.

10. Sharing Your List

You can easily share your list with others by tapping the "Publish" link on the left-hand side of the list's page.

11. Getting a Shareable Link

After a list is published, you can grab a shareable link that you can send to others. The link will open up directly to the list. If the person opening the link is on a mobile device and has the app installed, it will launch right on the mobile app.

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