Daily Review

This guide explains the "Due Cards" review feature on Skritter. 

A daily collection of cards you’re studying on Skritter. This feature uses a system for efficiently reviewing information called spaced repetition (SRS for short). More information about SRS can be found here. The number of reviews due each day is a combination of:

  • Cards due for review
  • New cards added in Learn mode
  • Incorrect cards from a previous study session

A Review Report is shown after each session with stats from the session. Things marked incorrect will be due again after the session until you mark them correct once.

Our new deck-level setting makes it even more convenient to review items. You can now find a Due Cards button within each deck for when you only want to review words from specific decks.

The Goal: 

Answer cards correctly and get your due count to zero! A review experience for long-term retention that is focused only on what is due for the day.

Best Practice: 

Focus your studies on what is due for the day, or on a fixed set of cards. Clear your due cards daily if you can! Select from a smaller set of cards or from particular decks to clear a larger number of due cards over time. If you want even more control over your review queue, you can enable advanced grading to give you 4 possible grades when answering a card, rather than the default "got it" and "forgot".

Anything that is added via Learn Mode (even if it is marked as incorrect) is counted towards your learned card value. The learned card value is a reflection of everything that has been added to your review queue. Learning a large number of new items can cause an influx of due cards 

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