Coupon Codes and Activation Codes

This guide will explain the difference between coupon codes and activation codes as well as how to apply each type of code. 

There are two different types of codes available: coupon codes and activation codes. Coupon codes are used to apply a discount along with payment information. Activation codes will apply subscription time without the need for any payment information. 

Using a Coupon Code when Creating an Account:

Have a coupon code from an affiliate program, or some other resource like our Instagram, YouTube, etc.? Here's how you can claim your code and save on your first subscription purchase!

  1. Go to the signup page at:
  2. Enter the coupon code

Note: Payment information needs to be entered in order for a coupon code to work

Applying a Coupon Code to an Account:

1. Navigate to your account's subscription page at:

2. Enter the coupon code

Note: Activation codes only work with expired subscriptions and cannot be applied to an active subscription

Applying an Activation Code on Sign Up:

1. Go to the signup page at:

2. Click the activation code checkbox and fill in the activation code into the code field

Note: Activation codes are used to unlock subscription time without the need to enter payment information

Applying an Activation Code to an Account:

1. Navigate to your account's subscription page at:

2. Click the activation code checkbox and fill in the activation code into the code field

Note: Activation codes are used to unlock subscription time without the need to enter payment information

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